Archive for November, 2011


DARPA-funded robotic zoo, right next to the robotic cheetah and the mule-like BigDog.

Thanks to an innovative, self-stabilizing leg design, the movements of this flightless robotic bird are going to be not only very efficient, but also extremely fast.

The legs are already capable of hitting 27 mph (43.4 km/h), matching the fastest of humans


Senate voted on a bill that allows the US military to imprison civilians, US citizens included, with no formal charges and hold them with no trial.

the legislation aims to declare national territory part of the “battlefield” in the fake War on Terror.

>>911 is false flag inside operation>>we are almost there>>now keep watching football on your tvTermed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) and drafted behind closed doors by Senators Carl Levin (D-Mich.) and John McCain (R-Ariz.) the NDAA would:

1) Explicitly authorize the federal government to indefinitely imprison without charge or trial American citizens and others picked up inside and outside the United States;

(2) Mandate military detention of some civilians who would otherwise be outside of military control, including civilians picked up within the United States itself; and

(3) Transfer to the Department of Defense core prosecutorial, investigative, law enforcement, penal, and custodial authority and responsibility now held by the Department of Justice.

the bill will “basically say in law for the first time that the US homeland is part of the battlefield” and people can be imprisoned without charge or trial “American citizen or not.

>>>>how crazy is this?
as crazy as false flag terror


Hybrid Insect Micro Electromechanical Systems program of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency Darpa


a revolution, a democracy, a social justice is needed. no to fraud capitalist mafia.

U.S. intelligence agencies are also known to track suspect bloggers and tweeters on the Internet to help identify Taliban fighters or terrorist operatives.

Twitter executives have told lawmakers that the micro-posts do not violate the website’s terms of service because the Taliban is not listed by the State Department as a foreign terrorist organization.

Twitter executives have told lawmakers that the micro-posts do not violate the website’s terms of service because the Taliban is not listed by the State Department as a foreign terrorist organization.

Pressure also is coming from the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force in Kabul, the Afghan capital.
This year, the ISAF began battling the pro-Taliban messages with tweets that countered insurgent claims. As a result, the two sides sometimes exchange a dozen tweets a day.

Some legal experts contend that the pro-Taliban messages are protected under U.S. law.


“Israel buried our friendship in the deep waters of the Mediterranean,” Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said in response to a question on whether Turkish-Israeli relations would recover in the near future

Turkey sees no possibility of resuming full diplomatic relations with Israel unless Israel apologizes and pays damages for the deaths its commandos caused last year aboard a Turkish ship that was trying to run Israel’s blockade of the Gaza Strip,

Susan Lindauer vs. The Capitol Hill Cowards & Fraudsters

There’s nothing Congress loves so much as a lie. Former CIA Asset and 9/11 Whistle-blower, Susan Lindauer believes the Senate Intelligence Committee should investigate the abuse of Assets– like herself– engaged in terrorism investigations, including the embezzlement of $13 million from the 9/11 investigation.

Discover what happened when she approached the offices of self proclaimed women’s right leaders, Sen. Dianne Feinstein and Sen. Barbara Mikulski, both leading Democrats on the Intelligence Committee.

Her story exposes major leadership fraud on anti-terrorism and national security.

The truth scares Congress,

Susan Lindauer scares Congress because her story exposes major leadership fraud on anti-terrorism and national security.

Listen to Susan’s story with Bob Tuskin here

American forces were given 15 days to vacate the remote Shamsi drone airbase, which was secretly turned over to them after the 9/11 attacks

Pakistan blocked supply routes for U.S.-led Nato occupation troops in Afghanistan and announced it would end American use of a Pakistani airbase by American forces in retaliation for a NATO attack on a Pakistani border outpost that officials said killed at least 24 soldiers and injured another 13.

The decision to order the Americans out followed an emergency meeting of Pakistan’s top civilian and military leadership late Saturday to decide how to respond to the deaths of the soldiers.

Shamsi was used for launching the war in Afghanistan in late 2001, then later served as the base for the U.S. drone program targeting militants.

Set in desert in sparsely populated Baluchistan province in Pakistan’s west, the airbase became highly controversial within Pakistan for its association with drone strikes, which Pakistan officially condemns.

The deaths of the Pakistani soldiers will pour fuel on the already raging anti-American sentiment.

Developers at Washington University announced 11/25/11 that they are one step closer to creating bionic contact lenses.

These could be the ultimate in mobility, ensuring you could access your emails or any information wherever you are.

Bionism is coming. We will turn into cyborgs, original living organisms, mixed with non living technology.

Apart from that, pure technical robots will exist, just as pure new life forms biogical living creatures. They may to be called biobots.

New Living Life Forms may be
chimeras – where human genes will be mixed with animal genes, or
transgennic, where human genes will be mixed with new artificially created genes.

In any case, traditional original biological human beings are basically a complex programm running inside a brain, with all hte bio support structure of the body.


An event of immortality, attained via controlling the process of aging, via organs growing and replacement, is fast approaching.

The time will lose it meaning, when a moment will last an eternity.

Later on, the notion of immortality will lose its meaning also.

We are but programs, a projections, running inside a brain. You can start a program, create a program, modify a program, download a program.

You can simulate a program by some superprogram.

You can simulate a brain on some future atom quantum super computer also.


Nothing is real. We are but images, projections of programs running inside our brains.

All that we are developed from a primordial initial chaos.

What was before we will never know.

We never existed, we do not exist, and we will not exist.

Nothin is real.

But a projection of a true sincere human feeling of true friendship, of true love, of true peace, of total of goodness of the spirit of human beings certainly is pure, neat, beautiful and precious aspect of our Being.





water powered clock


Russia is slowly realizing that Nato is waging world war, ever since 1991, bombing apart countries which it can, and preparing further assaults, on Russia included.

Aggression and wrs. coded into human genes, are barbaric, illegal and useless.

Many empires throughout the history fell for violent conquests. Its nothing but war crimes.

#ows. why.


911 controlled demolition therefore inside false flag operation. Irrefutable scientific evidence.

The resin linings of tin cans contain bisphenol-A, a synthetic estrogen that has been linked to ailments ranging from reproductive problems to heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. Unfortunately, acidity (a prominent characteristic of tomatoes) causes BPA to leach into your food.

corn fed beef – lot less nutrition

microwave popcorn – lining cancer, disease causing toxics leaking into popcorn

non organic potatoes – herbicides, pesticides, fungicides

farmed salmon – less nutrients, higher in contaminants

milk with artificial growth hormones – cancer

conventional apples – collect pesticides

poisons in our foods. what does corporate government does about it ?? nothing.
they are bought by big corporations.


A quarter of American women, 25%, take antidepressant medications, victims if violent combative rough wild capitalist society. Compared to 15% of men.

Increase of 29 % since 2001.

Other aspect to consider is that big pharma companies are trying like crazy to sell any drug to people, and charge it to insurance or state.

Ilness is good profits, so is war good profits.

So lets depress society, export jobs and industries abroad, and make some good money. -> out of control corporations.

it is a known fact that in regions with high unemployment, there is greater occurrence of ilnesses, of cancer.

The use of atypical antipsychotics — medications once mainly prescribed for schizophrenia — have gone up dramatically as well. The number of adults ages 20 to 64 taking these meds is 3.5 times higher than it was 2001.

Often the 1% of the time – slaveholders, robber barons and merchants of war – re-asserted control with new methods of domination

1877, railroad men sparked the first general strike in U.S. history.

corporations and the state are just two arms of the same beast – tyranny, robbery to benefit a few owners/rulers, on the expense of everyody else


Hundreds clashed with police during a “day of action” two months to the day since the protest movement, which has spawned splinter groups across the world, was born in Manhattan.

In New York, demonstrators marched on the New York Stock Exchange from Zuccotti Park, where their camp was demolished earlier this week.

Chanting “our park — our city!”,

177 arrests had been made and seven officers were injured. A further 60 arrests were made as more than a thousand people marched across Brooklyn Bridge.

Protesters said that they were aiming to “resist austerity”, “reclaim our economy” and “recreate our democracy”.

“Enough of this economy that exploits and divides us,” they said.

“It’s time we put an end to Wall Street’s reign of terror and begin building an economy that works for all.”

Estimated 24 were arrested by police in Portland, Oregon, while blocking Steel Bridge, a crucial transport route.

Hundreds more gathered in Los Angeles during the morning rush hour to disrupt traffic around the downtown financial district, where police were poised to make arrests in order to clear the streets.

Protesters stressed that their anger was directed towards specific groups such as executives from bailed out banks.

Van Jones, a former adviser to President Barack Obama who now runs Rebuild the Dream, a Left-wing campaign group, said: “We don’t mind winners — we just don’t like cheaters.”

In New York, some pledged to “retake” Zuccotti Park, which was cleared in a 1am raid on Tuesday. New rules prevent those choosing to return from bringing tents or even lying down.

Laura Avelar,a student from New Jersey who had slept in the camp since its creation on September 17, 2011, said OWS movement’s lack of concrete demands remained a strength, not a weakness.

“We are building a consensus and we want to keep it fluid,” she told The Daily Telegraph.

“It’s premature to say what we want. We want everyone’s voices heard.”


Scientists have created microscopic robots out of DNA molecules that can walk, turn and even create tiny products of their own on a nano-scale assembly line.

The ground-breaking devices outlined in the journal Nature, could one day lead to armies of surgeon robots that could clean human arteries or build computer components.

It’s clear that the interests of the majority of people in this country do not align with the military-industrial complex who put corporate profiteering based on destruction ahead of the needs of people,

If the last decade was the era of occupations that everyone called liberations, then the 99 percent movement is seeking to make this the era of liberations everyone calls occupations.


infidelity now affects one out of every 2.7 couples.


a young veteran from the war in Iraq who allegedly brutally killed his girlfriend in 2008 and died two years later

Needham claimed to have witnessed horrendous atrocities committed by his unit against Iraqis during their deployment in the country.

In a letter to senior army officials, Needham wrote that he suffered from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and depression.

He described what he called war crimes, asked for an investigation and requested to be assigned to a different unit.

war is wrong. war is a crime.

Vyzva k obcanum



Vážení spoluobčané,
jmenuji se Andrej Babiš. V Česku zaměstnávám ve svých firmách tisíce lidí, platím stovky milionů korun na daních a jsem naštvaný stejně jako vy. Naštvaný proto, že politici naši zemi od revoluce nejenže neumějí řídit, ale přihlížejí jejímu rozkrádání.

Jsem naštvaný, že žijeme v nefunkčním státě. Veřejně jsem řekl to, co si většina z vás myslí, ale bojí se to říct nahlas. Někteří mě varují, že dělám chybu, když ostrou kritiku říkám veřejně.

Prý se stejně nic nezmění, Češi se nesjednotí a nakonec na to doplatím já sám, moje rodina a moje firmy.

Kam jsme došli?

Žijeme v nefunkčním státě
O Klausovi Babiš tvrdil, že zneužil pádu komunismu. Servítky si nebral ani u Víta Bárty z Věcí veřejných, expremiéra Mirka Topolánka (ODS) a jeho poradců včetně Marka Dalíka, bývalého premiéra Stanislava Grosse (ČSSD) a dalších.

Babišův Agrofert Holding se řadí k největším firmám v ČR, obchoduje s komoditami chemického a zemědělsko-potravinářského sektoru.

Před listopadem 1989 byl členem KSČ, je i v takzvaných Cibulkových seznamech jako spolupracovník Státní bezpečnosti. Tvrdí, že s StB nikdy nespolupracoval.

ostra kritika pomeru, rozkradani a zlodejen v Cechach je rozhodne opravnena.
Proc vsak tolik napada ?

Babiš dnes řekl, že jeho iniciativa má dosud 7500 sympatizantů, dalších 1300 jich je na facebooku. Kampaň ho dosud stála 1,9 milionu korun, další peníze vyčlení. “Mám zaměstnaného jednoho novináře, ten bere na smlouvu 60.000, pokud vás to zajímá, nastoupila naše sekretářka Veronika, ta má 25.000 korun,” řekl. Nevylučuje, že jeho hnutí se bude angažovat politicky.


Western nations are illicitly providing arms to Syria’s opposition to force the violent terror overthrow of President Bashar al-Assad, Russia’s top diplomat foreign min Lavrov said.

weapons are being smuggled into Syria from Turkey and Iraq,’

‘Armed extremists are using peaceful demonstrations to provoke Syrian government violence,’

Calls by NATO countries on the al-Assad regime to stop using force to maintain order are self-serving, Lavrov said, considering that some of those very nations are providing weapons to a Syrian opposition responsible for violent protests.

‘Russia is deeply disappointed by this,’ Lavrov said, singling out France and the United States as countries he felt were being especially hypocritical on Syria.

Commenting on a recent Arab League decision to suspend Syria’s membership of the organization, Lavrov said the Kremlin felt the measure was unjustified

‘We consider it (the suspension) improper.

nato west war crimes continue .. will it lead to world war III? it depends if Russia has enough of nuclear weapons.
If Russia will look vulnerable, west will launch a war against it.
war means profits.

Other hazardous ingredients found in many shampoos and personal care products


For the past two years, health and environmental groups have been urging Johnson & Johnson to remove two potentially cancer-causing chemicals from its baby shampoo.

One of these ingredients is quaternium-15, which releases formaldehyde; a skin, eye, and respiratory irritant, and a known carcinogen (formaldehyde exposure has been associated with leukemia specifically).

The other, 1,4-dioxane, is a “likely carcinogen,” and is present in Johnson & Johnson’s:

•Baby Shampoo
•Oatmeal Baby Wash
•Moisture Care Baby Wash, and
•Aveeno Baby Soothing Relief Creamy Wash

According to the CDC, 1,4 dioxane is “probably carcinogenic to humans,” and is toxic to your brain, central nervous system, kidneys and liver.

Other hazardous ingredients found in many shampoos and personal care products include parabens, DEA, and propylene glycol.

Baby products that contain 2 bromo, 2 nitropropane, 3-DIOL, sodium borate, and oxybenzone should also be avoided.

To avoid toxic hazards, look for the USDA organic seal, and/or use the Environmental Working Groups Skin Deep site to evaluate products before settling on a purchase

Miniature robot rides bicycle.

country needs single payer public private universal healthcare system, to break with post-slavery practices that healthcare is somehow bound to being employed, and to stop current megafraud patchwork.

medieval depression levels of wealth and income concentrations bring concentration of power.
therefore, corruption, depression, wars.

911 is controlled demolition false flag attack on America by ruling globalised elite.


minimum wage needs to increase to $15 per hour for companies larger than 15 people.

crazy military budget of $1 trillion a year needs to be cut by 50% immediately.

industries, jobs, prosperity need to stay in America, ruling elite needs to stop exporting them

911 attack is controlled demolition therefore an inside false flag operation.


smaller cities like Pensacola, Florida and Youngstown, Ohio were also staging “Occupy” protests.

Maddow said it almost “hits at another level” to see the movement spread so far and wide.

The encampment protest in the financial district of New York City is now in its second month.

The demonstrators are protesting bank bailouts, foreclosures and high unemployment.

Michael Moore supports also new investigation into 911 controlled demolition inside false flag operation.